Dear Friend & Community Member of NWFALL,
THANK YOU for taking the time to consider sponsoring the Northwest Forsyth American Little League program, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. We know that now, more than ever, you receive many requests for sponsorships and donations, and we appreciate your consideration. Community support and sponsorships are an integral part of the success of our league, and help provide the youth of Northwest Forsyth opportunities that may not normally be afforded to them. By supporting NWFALL, your business will gain positive exposure through the network of participants, families, friends, and other businesses associated with our program.
As an organization completely run by dedicated volunteers, NWFALL annually serves more than 950 baseball and softball players ranging in ages 5 to 16 years of age. Through regular season play, community events, practices, and tournaments, including all-stars, your advertisement and sponsorship at the NWFALL baseball and softball complex will be highlighted on our social media platforms and seen at the complex by countless families and spectators during both our spring and fall seasons. Depending on sponsorship level, your business will also be able to have your logo placed on uniforms, allowing for greater brand recognition away from the ballpark.
The upcoming 2024 season will mark the 60th anniversary of NWFALL being a chartered member of Little League International. Our storied tradition has included both district and state tournament champions on the field, but in life, we have helped influence and mold thousands of young boys and girls that have gone on to be winners, on and off the field of play. The memories and life lessons learned while playing baseball and softball are priceless, and it's because of dedicated sponsors like you that allow us to keep providing each and every child that wants to play at NWFALL a positive, lasting experience..
On behalf of Northwest Forsyth American Little League, its participants, and families, please accept our unwavering gratitude for your support. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out through email or phone call. We look forward to sharing a fun, safe, and successful 2024 season with you. PLAY BALL!
Best Regards,
Jason Smith
NWFALL Sponsorship Chair
2024 Season Sponsorship Application
Team Sponsorship Levels
** Sponsors selecting the 2-year/multi-year option will be charged the 1-year price initially and receive a discounted rate in year two if sponsorship is continued (must be used in consecutive years). Sponsors that pay for 2-Years upfront will receive an additional 5% discount and have first choice of available field selection (if applicable to sponsorship)
“Walk” Individual Sponsorship
1 Time - $100
- Website / Social Media Recognition
“Single” Sponsorship
1 Year - $300 / 2 Years - $575
- Website / Social Media Recognition
- 1 Large Outfield Banner (2 seasons)
“Double” Sponsorship
1 Year - $500 / 2 Years - $900
- Website / Social Media Recognition
- Name/Logo on 1 Team Jersey
- 1 Large Outfield Banner (2 seasons)
- Concession Stand Advertisement
“Triple” Sponsorship
1 Year - $750 / 2 Years - $1300
- Website / Social Media Recognition
- Name/Logo on 2 Team Jerseys
- 2 Large Outfield Banners (2 fields / 2 seasons)
- Concession Stand Advertisement
“Homerun” Sponsorship
1 Year - $1000 / 2 Years - $1750
- Website / Social Media Recognition
- Name/Logo on 2 Team Jerseys
- 3 Large Outfield Banners (3 fields / 2 seasons)
- Concession Stand Advertisement
- 1 Large Complex Banner (high traffic area)
- Appreciation Plaque to Display
“Grand Slam” Sponsorship
1 Year - $1500 / 2 Years - $2500
- Website / Social Media Recognition
- Name/Logo on 3 Team Jerseys
- 3 Large Outfield Banners (2 fields / 2 seasons)
- Concession Stand Advertisement
- 1 Large Complex Banner (high traffic area)
- 1 Large Backstop Banner
- NWFALL Spring Jersey w/ Your Logo
- Appreciation Plaque to Display
“All-Star” Field Name Sponsorship (1 available)
1 Year - $3,000 / 2 Years - $5,000
- Website / Social Media Recognition
- Field Rebranded w/ Your Name & Logo
- 3 Large Outfield Banner (2 seasons)
- 2 Large Dugout Banners on Field of Choice
- 1 Large Complex Banner (high traffic area)
- Name/Logo on 3 Team Jerseys
- NWFALL Spring Jersey w/ Your Logo
- Concession Stand Advertisement
- Appreciation Plaque to Display
“Team Captain” Sponsorship
1 Year - $1,500 / 2 Years - $2,500
- Website / Social Media Recognition
- Name/Logo on 5 Team Jerseys
- 2 Large Complex Banners (high traffic area)
- Concession Stand Advertisement
- NWFALL Spring Jersey w/ Your Logo
- Appreciation Plaque to Display
Click Here To Download Sponsorship Package